TOPART CHINA CO., LTD. is in WuShiPu Village of Xiamen Fujian China .We have about 10 years working reproduction oil painting experience and wholesale oil painting & picture frames to all over the world. We can reproduction various kinds of famous oil paintings in the world in enormous quantities such as impressionist, modern ,abstract , classical , different subject like as scenery , seascape , still life ,flower ,portrait , animal , garden scene ,street ,western , reproduction oil painting, commerce oil painting and so on . As an oil painting & picture frames supplier-wholesaler of China, we aim to pursuit high-quality service and professional, spirit of honor to job and pursuit of reality, and have strong professional technical force to Paint the picture delicately and seriously. For further questions regarding our products, services or terms and conditions please consult our Service Center 0086-592-5521275. Welcome to visit our website£º www.topart168.com & www. art-ol.com
Company: |
Contact: |
Mr. Jeffrey Huang |
Address: |
J01 Room 5#¡¡of¡¡The second Zhonggang¡¡Garden,Wushipu second section,Xiamen,Fujian of China |
Postcode: |
361009 |
Tel: |
0086-592-5521275 |
Fax: |
0086-592-5559760 |
E-mail: |